Documentary Print

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Those who read Social Research report documents such as this tend to search for high-grade unused information which has not yet been attractively packaged.
Nevertheless, this particular document is, in fact, ushering in a new era of report documentation, particularly as it applies to the Social Research field.
No longer will the social researcher be taxed with pages of undigested data. By taking a comprehensive subjective view, the SRF has leapt into the wide new field of Personalization. This affords vast resources of data, already attractively packaged in a personalized form. Thus, subjectivity creates high-grade information.
Even when the original data sources are “common knowledge” personal filtration of Social Research data transforms low-grade multi-use information into high-grade “special interest” information with the bonus of attractive packaging.
Recycled informational components can reappear again and again without causing Fresh Mind Exhaustion thanks to the personalization of the subjective view.
– from The Social Research Foundation Interim Report Document on Living in the Future

Available at, Barnes and Noble,  iBooks
List Price Paperback $15.00, Kindle and iBooks $3.99
ISBN/EAN13:0978170512 / 9780978170516
Page Count:100
Binding Type:US Trade Paper
Trim Size:6″ x 9″
Related Categories:Social Science / Future Studies